Wednesday 18 April 2012


My bus-steps blog is going to be a remix of my journey so far whilst we are be prepared for some reflections on the Bible, fashion, Education, Life, Food, playing cards and everything in between!!
Today we journeyed from Kalambaka to Philippi. Philippi was named after Philip 11, father of Alexander the Great. St Paul baptised the first European convert (a woman named Lydia). Like my blog yesterday, leave it in God's hands and have trust...Paul did and look what happened? Things started to change for him. I am not saying that everything was down hill for him from here but his hard work was starting to be recognized. These little sparks of hope are messages or I like to say postcards from God reminding us we are on track and to stick at it. Can you think of a time when things seemed to always be a struggle for you? You put your heart & soul into something and you only come against resistant? Maybe at work? At home? With a friend? With a partner? ....but... Can you remember the time that during this resistance there was someone or something that happened that went against the grain? They started to follow your journey? They accepted you? They may have even saw the struggle you are facing but they saw your love, your passion, your truth and went along with you...Lydia did with Paul. I think it is important to recognise that Paul faced resistance for years and even with success of hope of Lydia he was imprisoned and wrote his letters there...How would you feel if you were on Paul's rollercoaster journey of emotions? What traits would you need to develop within to help you along your journey ?

After a discussion with some Educational leaders from the secondary and the primary sector, I was very interested to hear the differing views about resistance in Educational change. People who I would have assumed who would have come up against resistance with either staff, students or parents - haven't...leaders that I assumed that wouldn't come up against resistance have. Even though every situation is different, it was reassuring to hear other people's journeys just like Paul's. But also in reflection, for me I believed resistance was a personal thing. But I am learning that it just seems to be more about others. It is someone else's issue and it is based on the type of person they are and their backgrounds/beliefs which effect all this. If you put a different person in a different environment maybe the resistance would disappear - on the contrary you may face resistance if you change this environment. What if St Paul had preached in a different place at a different time to a different set of people? Would have he been imprisoned? Would have he been murdered? Would have had more supporters? Would have he still been Saul? There are so many differing factors, so like Deacon Sam suggested in his Homily - it isn't our business, it's Gods. This is still something that I want to come back to and I am sure I will continue to revisit on my blog throughout my footsteps...I want to head down the back of the bus to ask Cardinal Pell his thoughts but he is fast asleep in the middle of the back row with his neck pillow! Maybe I will question him at lunch!!!

Us pilgrims have perfected the art of cards! In-between people blogging, sharing stories and journaling in our down time - we have started to socialized around a game of cards. Before mass yesterday, our inspiring, wise & extremely knowledgeable Greek tour guide Milena joined us for a game. Throughout our game of Fish and Warlords she shared with us her story. This women is remarkable. She has forty educators on the edge of their seats with her storytelling...her strategy? Passion, love and a touch of humor! She has us all wanting more as she commonly says 'I will tell you a little more later...' and 'come a little further this way...' genius! I will be taking this one back to the kiddies!!
Okay I've had to cut into my blog here and update you on my 'moment'...John a fellow pilgrim and I call it a 'moment' when you learn or feel something that you know will change your life forever, a turning of the page, a light bulb moment...I just had my first one for the trip. Before I tell you about my 'moment' these are the last words I had written in my notes for my blog: "At times I feel like I am in a Greek fairytale and Milena is my fairy God Mother."
So my 'moment' happened at lunch whilst eating my spanekopita with Fellow pilgrims. A fellow pilgrim who I just think is extremely positive, kind and warm was telling me about her beautiful love story of 25 years - my spinach pie was no longer warming me - this story was. Milena then joins us and shares her words of wisdom...she told me without hesitation, without me even asking questions that I need to pray every morning and every evening that I have a wonderful, understanding, loving companion who understands me. She said not to ask for it but to pray that I already have it and to do this for everything in my life. Milena read my soul, I didn't need to say much but she knew what to say to me. She said for me to close my eyes and see the angels around me who are listening and with me always. She reminded me to always be grateful and remain positive. These words may seem obvious and may have been told to me over again but it was how she said it and the way she said it. Milena doesn't know me but she gave me hope in love and in my truth...for that I will be eternally grateful.
So to continue on...I asked Milena how does she captive, engage, inspire? How does she know how to listen to her intuition (something she also spoke about)... she just smiles, shrugs her shoulders and gives me a hug, she tells me to remember to always have faith in the Angels who will protect me which is like our Saints, on intuition she says the more you pray your 'truth' and what you know you deserve you will get more direction - you just need to listen .... So my question is how often do you listen? Or do you just hear? I am going to start and listen.....

Let me take you a little further into my journey into my Midnight Mass during Greek all started with the Greek Orthodox Good Friday procession. Only 4 of us trekked out to see the procession which mourners carried candles, a crucifix and an epitafio (a bed of Orchids) to recognise the death of Jesus Christ. The families were all dressed in black, the women in heels and the men in suits. The families here mourn together and celebrate together. Following this on the Saturday evening the celebration of the resurrected Christ occurred. Still the Greeks ventured out in style...(just like their chic navy suits and crisp white sashs).

We just experienced a quiet little moment at Saint Lydia's church. Here we renewed our baptismal rights and celebrated mass. I felt the presence of Saint Lydia and was lucky enough to get water from the river in which the Cardinal has blessed.

Now we will rest a tiny bit at our next stop...until then Kalee Spera (Good Evening).

P.s. Great news we are going to be special guests at Gallipoli on Anzac Day. The Cardinal is V.I.P. but we are all very excited as we will have special seats!!

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