Tuesday 8 May 2012

Bells are ringing in Assisi...

So our pilgrimage is coming to an end...mixed emotions, sad to leave our crew as we have bonded so well, excited about how we can use our renewed faith with our family, friends, students & community. At the moment I am feeling content that I have achieve the things I have wanted to, I have learnt acceptance, I have learnt to believe in myself, I have learnt that we are never alone, I have learnt that life is a roller coaster and in order to appreciate the happiness in life we must experience suffering. I have learnt that all people's suffering is different and it is important not to judge or measure a person's level of suffering. I have learnt that God has a plan for us all but he has given us free will to choose our own path, as long as we continue to pray and develop our relationship with him we will be guided to His path...we just need to listen. I have learnt that we are all equals and a good leader is someone who can relate to individuals even if your views aren't the same - it is important to listen, give encouragement and ask reflective questions as really our only leader is God. I have learnt that people believe in me and being myself is a great thing to be. I have learnt that we have a choice in who we love...we don't just have one person on this Earth for us and that is it and if we don't find them well we just miss out. I have learnt that God has given us the choice to choose the right partner for us, in listening to his guidance and the angels we will choose them and with His help we will get through the hard times together, make choices together, be companions of life together and be witnesses of each other's journey. The beautiful thing about this is that when you do make it work (let's face it, life can be difficult and so can relationships) it is even more special because you have achieved a goal together, it wasn't just set up by the universe and you didn't need to put in any effort....I can't wait!!!
These life skills are going to make me a better teacher with my students and colleagues. Relationships are key to education and when we achieve them we have listened to God and ourselves. We have worked at something and made a choice to fix something. Once you have strong relationships most things can be achieved and that is what St Paul did.
So in Assisi we were blessed with the beauty that inspired Saint Frances. The birds are singing in the trees, the Bells chime because they can and the flowers bloom because they feel free. This place is filled with the Holy Spirit and your initial instinct is to protect it. No wonder Saint Frances had a love for creation. A story that moved me was when we went to St France's church. There is a statue of the saint. By its side are two living doves. They never leave his side. When one dies another dove will reappear. I like the idea of two doves not just one. A life long companion like Saint Frances was to them.
We were all in amazement of this special town and the streets were filled with a Medieval parade (the surprises just kept on coming) and the most beautiful mouthwatering sweets sent from heaven...isn't it ironic?
On this trip I saw the most beautiful church on this trip. On the outside it was hand painted, tiled and treated with so much love. On the inside the walls were striped with windows contrasting with stain glass windows and a glass mat cloudy swirl. This imagery reminded me of the journey of life. We have beautiful moments, plain/normal everyday moments, we have times in which it is cloudy and we don't know what we are doing and then there are times of light bulb bright moments and then there are times in which we are down. The differing stripes, swirls, panels, glass, shiny and mat finishes all conveyed this. The church was where the miracle occurred when blood came out of the Eucharist.
Like I have said before we have been treated like Kings & Queens on this trip not only with our locations but also spiritually. I have only shared a snippet but it has been a renewed experience, a life changing one and transforming. The final highlight was being asked at our farewell dinner to thank our Cardinal in the official speeches. I was honoured because of the man he is and the bond we all shared! Of course I made the speech sweet and warm but defiantly a little cheeky too!!!
We made a packed...because I taught the Cardinal about fashion (h is for Hermes) him and our executive director will now be my referees haha!!!

So after an overwhelming farewell at the Roma airport, my pilgrimage hasn't ended quite yet. I am off to London to see my beautiful friends Simone and Carl!

I will check in and let you know of my ideas of how I would like to take St Paul back to our community...it hasnt ended here, it just the next chapter.

May God bless you xx

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