Sunday 14 August 2011

Engage Me!!!

I start every term with this clip! I love it and so do the children and their parents. My aim is to then get the children to create their own 'engage me' at the end of each term. It has been amazing to see the difference the way how children articulate how they learn and what engages them. I think it is really valuable for the children to direct their own learning however it is definitely a difficult thing to do at first when they don’t know how to do it effectively. These skills need to be taught, explained, modeled and reflected upon. In term one the children often write they like to use ipod or use technology (they think that is what they are going to get) but they find it difficult to express why. By the end of term two the difference is indescribable. Students are articulating that they use these items at home so it relates to the real world and they start to focus on specific programs they are using to help them achieve their goals. By term 3 they are really focusing on their goals, action plans and how their style of learning really engages them helps them achieve this. E.g. By listening to meditative music on the ipod while I do my timestable speed test it relaxes me as this is the type of person I am (this is reflected from a 10 year old).   

1 comment:

  1. Jo, this is fabulous! Very relevant to my presentation tomorrow-glad I stopped by. Great resources. I will return to browse on the weekend-you can see how I can be easily distracted: reports to twitter to this blog :) will pass on to some primary people I know. Cheers and keep blogging!
